Most vigilant among the King’s guardsmen was Ernest Spudfield. His watchful gaze was unmatched, and his loyalty was fierce. Three times he thwarted attempts on the King’s life, and three times he refused to be knighted for his service. Ernest was a humble man who cared little for fame and glory: all he wanted in life was to keep watch.
The king asked the dwarves to craft a masterwork halberd and on it mount the royal seal, and so they did. The Queen tied her scarlet ribbon to the halberd’s shaft. All knights of the realm cut their palms on the weapon’s edge to acknowledge it as well as the man who wielded it as the prime protector of the royal family.
And so it was presented to Ernest Spudfield who gracefully accepted the reward. He carried it for the rest of his life, and over the decades of service his zeal was infused into the halberd. At his death the weapon had become magical, even though no wizard had ever touched it.
Properties of the halberd (rules for D&D B/X or Old-School Essentials)
This +2 halberd grants the following abilities:
Hypervigilance: 2 in 6 chance of being alerted when a hostile creature is within 100 feet
Wakefulness: the wielder of the halberd only needs to sleep once per week
Damage: 1d10+2
Weight (coins): 150
Qualities: Brace, Melee, Slow, Two-handed
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