
Deep space radio relay satellite

A vertical map of a deep space radio relay beacon. I’m working on “Termination Shock” – a mini campaign/setting for OSR games, where we set off in the solar system, exploring planets and asteroids in the wake of a cosmic storm that took out most of our space-faring technology. These radio beacons will be highly important in the setting, as described here:

“For the last hundred years or so, cosmic phenomenons, radiation fields and electrical storms has increased in our system, and it has made communication over vast distances much harder than it used to be. We now rely heavily on a network of radio relay satellites to facilitate transmissions between planets, stations and ships. Bandwidth is low. We cannot submit video, and images arrive distorted. Since the cosmic storm, all of these satellites needs to be repaired.”

I intentionally wanted adventuring in space to be a quite scary, silent and isolated activity, hence the above setup. I don’t want Earth to be just a call away. Phoning home should be hard, and establishing contact with other ships or planetary outposts should feel like an accomplishment.

Kuiper’s Cantina – Asteroid bar and diner

Deep in the Kuiper belt – the great asteroid field of the outer solar system, the Kuiper’s Cantina bar and diner can be found. A popular place for starship crews to rest, drink and stock-up on goods, Kuiper’s Cantina is well-known among all space-farers and astronaut adventurers.

Click here to see a larger picture.

Latest blog posts

HMS Nordenskiöld – Starship Blueprint

Built in Sweden, and considered one of the first true exploration vessels capable of manned missions beyond Mars, the HMS Nordenskiöld is mankinds greatest explorer, and our biggest hope to bring us answers to the riddles of the great unknown.

Captain Palander and his crew of sixteen (incluing legendary adventurers like Giacomo Bove and Ernst Almquist) have not seen Earth in eleven years (only restockning occasionally at the Martian colonies), as they tirelessly explore the moons of Jupiter and Saturn.

Click here for a larger image.

Latest blog post:

Nuclear Ray Cannon 3 – Sunburst

A cut-through, vertical map of LUNA NRC3, one of three nuclear ray cannons installed on Earth’s moon. This one, unfortunately, is infected by alien space goo, and is no longer under control by earth. Better get some space adventurers there to investigate, right?

Click here to download a larger image for personal use.

The tomb of the Dire Knight and his vile retinue

Isometric map of an ancient tomb, holding the remains (and spirits?) of a dark knight. Fill it with traps and treasure (and why not a couple of undeads?) and send your players on a classic D&D grave robbing adventure!

Click here for a larger version of the image.

Would you like to draw your own isometric maps? It’s a bit tricky when you first get started, but with a bit of training you’ll get the hang of it. I’ve written a free tutorial on it, that you might find helpful! Click here to get to the tutorial.

The Slaughterpit – Gate to Hell

The Slaughterpit is one of the entrances to Hell, located deep in the infernal wasteland of Gol. It can be descended to gain access to the domain of the demon lord Byleth. His realm is a vast, dark butchery.

A pound of flesh for Byleth!

Pledge of the self-mutilating cult of Byleth

The hanging witnesses are dead and flesh-less, but sees all who enter, and scream their names.

The eyes are Byleth’s, and if you let him witness you before your descent, his gaze will be on you as you travel the abyss. It could be beneficial, but also very dangerous.

In the cage is Namtar, a lesser demon that angered Byleth, and now serves a thousand year punishment as head witness of the Slaughterpit.

The biggest challenge of getting into Hell is climbing down the great spiked chain. It is long, and slippery with blood. It will take days to descend it.

You may download the map for personal use, click here for a larger image.

The Lair of the Bloodwood Bandits

A vertical map of the lair of the Bloodwood Bandits. Perfect for use with your favorite fantasy RPG!

I’ve always been fascinated by underground tunnel’s and lairs, and as I just recently watched the great documentary “The Vietnam War” (seriously, watch it!) I guess I was somewhat inspired by the guerilla tunnel warfare of the Viet Cong.

This underground bandit lair has a lookout at the top, and several arrangements to quickly seal off tunnels in case of an attack. It has enough living space (and beds) to host the gang of nine bandits, and also a nifty excape tunnel. It even has a lavatory!

Feel free to download or print the map for personal use, click here for a larger version.

Vertical Sci-Fi map – Listening Post Pluto 3

A vertical, retro sci-fi map of a listening post on a desolate planet. For use with sci-fi roleplaying games like Starfinder or Traveller.

Since the Science Outpost Thule map turned out nicely, I decided I wanted to try out another Sci-Fi map. Imagining a team of technicians manning a listening post as far away as you can get within our solar system. You can feel the isolation. Space is vast, dark and unimaginably desolate. But what if one day they hear something. One day the arrays suddenly pick up something else than the usual static?

Feel free to download this map for personal use. Click here for a larger image.

Science Outpost Thule: Sci-Fi RPG map

This is my first attempt at drawing sci-fi maps, and I was going for a bit of a retro style. I’m currently reading Arthur C. Clarke’s “The Sands of Mars”, and felt really inspired by this great story about a human settlement on the red planet, and the scientific experiments they conduct there.

Science Outpost Thule is located at some backwater moon in the outskirts of the solar system, and some bad shit probably happened here. Might write a short adventure based on the map. Let me know in the comments if you have any ideas!

Download this map

Like all the content on this site, this map is free for personal use (although I ask you not to publish my work elsewhere without my written consent). Click the below link to download a 300 dpi file for print.

Stick around for a while, here are my latest posts:

  • Murmuron – the City of Whispers

    Murmuron – the City of Whispers

    “In daylight dozing, in starlight susurrant.The whispering city softly sings,a rustling choir of scarab wings:’Murmuron, Murmuron’ – in voices aberrant.” Clinging to the leeside of mount Akhet is the whispering city of Murmuron, its terracing architecture reaching almost the citrine-studded summit of the mountain. Old and strange as the desert wind, ancient Murmuron’s wonders tug…

  • Hand-drawn scrolls and banners for fantasy map-makers

    Hand-drawn scrolls and banners for fantasy map-makers

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  • Free dungeon map – the Malign Marathon

    Free dungeon map – the Malign Marathon

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